Good ideas for helping others!

Gift Cards

Carry some gift cards to local pizza and other kid friendly restaurants in your pocket.  Find a mom with a few kids hanging off of her at the grocery store around 4 or 5:00, give her the gift card and tell her dinners on you tonight... you just became a hero

An oldie but a goodie!

Pay for the car behind you the next time you're in the drive thru.  Come on... you know you've always thought about doing it!  Make sure to leave a Movement 77 card with the cashier to give to the happy customers you just treated.

Night watch

Stay up late some night and go drop off some coffee and cookies to the night shift at  your local hospital, nursing home, police station or firehouse.  Of course you could do this for the day shift too... but hey you gotta love those that work while we sleep

Construction crew

construction crew, mail carrier, landscaper, anyone you see working out in the hot sun or cold winter air.  Offer them a can of ice cold lemonade or a cup of hot chocolate.

5 Spot Formula

Head to your local walmart, target wherever you shop and put a $5 bill (or higher) inbetween the plastic lid and the safety seal of a infant formula can.  Include a movement 77 card!  Imagine the look on the tired mom's face at the midnight feeding when she finds the money and card.

Luke 5 Party

Alright you got me... this ones going to take you a little longer than 7 minutes.  Basically a block party for all your neighbors you always meant to go and meet, but never did.  Check out the blog (have you felt the movement?) to read more about these fantastic parties!

Lawn mowing

You know the yard we're talking about... just go mow it!

Holiday giveaway

Give out baskets on Easter, ready made picnics on the 4th of July (hot dogs, buns, beans and a watermelon), mini trees decorated on Christmas.  Mugs with tea and biscotti on mother's day

Sunday morning paper and coffee give away

Purchase a number of Sunday papers, brew excellent coffee and visit your neighbors. Look for the houses that don't have a paper in the driveway but be sure you don't knock on the door too early.

Garbage can return from street

This is one you could do for your entire street each week. Usually garbage pick up is done early in the morning. Be the first one out. Return them near their garage but do it quietly.

Dog poop cleanup

It's an unsavory job, but someone has to do it. Jesus said, "If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, be the servant of all."

Light bulb replacement

Sounds simple, but for some reaching up to a nine foot ceiling is a difficult chore.  Offer a 60-watt light bulb with a Movement 77 card, and if they'd like replace burned out ones.


After an ice storm, a few shovels of rock salt can make a big difference on a slippery sidewalk or driveway. 

Shopping for the sick and the elderly

This would come by referrals. Work with shut-ins to get a list of needs, shop and deliver
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